Camping has long been known as a "rough and rugged" sport complete with its share of discomforts and difficulties. However, due to the introduction of new camping equipment and gear on the market, much of the pain and discomfort has been relieved so that now even novice campers can enjoy the outdoor activity without experiencing the difficulties. One such item that has made camping more enjoyable is the blow up mattress for sleeping outdoors.

A blow up air mattress is available in a variety of different sizes to accommodate personal preference and need. It is constructed out of nylon or latex materials for a durable, long lasting effect and is easy to use by simply inflating it with a portable air pump when you are ready to use it. The pump can also be used when deflating it. The next step is either rolling or folding it for convenient carrying and storage when you are done.
Air Mattress
For an individual mattress size you may opt for a twin blow up mattress such as the intex twin air mattress. If you plan to share a bed with other individuals there are larger size models available such as full, queen or king size. Although these beds may not be as convenient when it comes to storage or carrying when shifting camp locations.
For greater comfort, you can adjust how firm or soft you want your mattress to be by adding more air or allowing air to escape from your mattress. As air mattresses are susceptible to punctures, you should consider purchasing a patch repair kit to take along on your camping trip for any eventuality. Of course before you set up your tent you are going to check the ground and remove any sharp twigs, branches or stones.
There are several types of air mattresses available for camping purposes. The standard mattress is a simpler no frills product, lightweight and can be easily inflated with either a pump or manually. Other models come with removable padded surfaces, velour tops, built in inflatable pillows and built in air pumps as additional accessories. When planning to use an air mattress to sleep inside of a tent make sure the size you choose will fit within the space available in your tent. For open air sleeping, the mattress size will depend on the number of individuals using it.
This camping bed is great especially for cold weather camping. You will find when camping in the cold, that if you insulate yourself from the cold ground you will stay warmer longer during the night. The large amount of air that is in between you and the ground acts as great insulation from the cold.
Of course this mattress isn't only good for camping. When you make the investment into an extra bed you now have a guest bed for when you have unexpected guests. I would encourage you not to go cheap when purchasing. Buy quality first and you will have less headaches in the future.